Monday, March 21, 2016

Cool Lamp!

March 21, 2016T

This week was awesome!!! 

Tuesday we visited the Fellows and helped her move some bags of stucco. We also accidentally let her dog out so we went and got her.

 Friday we got snowed in so we were not able to do a whole lot.

Saturday though we vested the Menos and talked to him! We also taught the Tranburgs and we invited him to church!
Elder Sanford played the Piano in church so we were able to have the Kendricks come as well! The Kendricks said they would come next week for Easter!! :D 

The Kendricks also gave me a Nazi lamp! (it's not really a Nazi lamp but looks like it could be)

 I will be sending it home!

Love to all!
-Elder Mackin

PS I'm missing Torchy's Tacos :(

Picking up the opportunities

 March 14, 2016

We are now living in the Lewis' home! They are super cool!!!

We also met with 2 of the 4 referrals we got from the Walkers! One of them was not interested. But the other we went with a mind of service! We are hoping to build a ramp for his deck.
 (he is wheel chair bound) We hope to serve and teach as well!

Our Mission President and his wife came to the Loen Tree ward to speak and Sister Rehm said something I really like. She gave a definition of missionary work.

"Picking up the opportunities that God gives you (to serve others)" 

I love you all!

-Elder Mackin

Monday, March 7, 2016

A new Address and 4 Referrals!

WOOO END OF TRANSFER!!! Elder Sanford is now half way through training!! This next transfer is odd because it will be a 7 week transfer (due to the MTC going back to about 3 weeks of training for English speaking) 

WE ARE MOVING!!!!  They prefer to only have missionaries stay in a members home for around 6 months so It does not become too much of an imposition. So even though I will be serving in the same town/ward we are moving into a different members house. We are now moving to the LEWIS family! Brother Lewis was the former Bishop of our Ward and Sister Lewis is super nice!!! 

The new address is 6712 Handiespeak Court, Castlerock CO, 80108

If you recently sent something to the old address its OK, we can go pick it up from them!

Some quotes!
"A plan without action is just a wish!
An action without a plan.... Sucks"- Elder Mogle my Zone Leader

"The Lord does not call the qualified. But qualifies the called!"

As most of you know when I came to Castle Pines there was very little work. Somewhat due to past missionaries that lost the trust of the members.

We have regained that trust and have received 4 Referrals last night! Referrals are people that members would like us to teach. The members that gave us the referrals felt comfortable and ready to share their friends with us. I fell honored to reach out to these dear friends of theirs to bring them the Gospel. 

These photos are of me and Rosco- Sister Fullers dog and me working!

I love you all!

-Elder Mackin